2023 紐約FIT時尚英語暑期遊學夏令營 紐約流行設計學院 (7/05/2023開課)近期學生心得
C.L. Chung學無界代辦Fashion Institute of Technology紐約時尚流行設計學院暑期課程心得
Jason 服務超級棒,很用心而且很詳細,詢問很多問題都回答得很詳細,也很關心我們在美國Fashion Ins […]
★ 由專業FIT師資親自授課,課程完成後可獲得FIT證書
★ 上午半天英文,下午半天的時尚專業課程
★ 週五全天的校外教學
★ 在充滿時尚流行氣氛的學校增進英文技巧
課程長度:2023/07/05-2023/7/26 (7/3即可入住宿舍, 7/5分班測驗與新生訓練,7/27上午9點前離開)
開課日期:2023/07/05-2023/7/26 (7/3即可入住宿舍, 7/5分班測驗與新生訓練,7/27上午9點前離開)
語言課程 ESL:課程適合中等或是進階程度的學生. 英文課程主要著重在口語表達以及商業書信往來技巧,以及針對時尚與設計產業會使用的英文字彙. 在開課第一天新生訓練時, 便會做分班測驗. 時尚專業課程(可選擇課程未定,以下為2019資訊) Introduction to Fashion Design時尚設計概論- Discover how a fashion designer creates looks - from sources of inspiration, such as the work of the great designers, to color and fabrication, to knowing your targeted customer and potential retail distributor. Experience executing mood boards as a process to planning an actual line through sketching. Fashion Merchandising時尚採購與管理- Learn how buyers think, work, and are responsible for profit and loss by planning the right merchandise at the right price, time, and place. Shop the market like a professional and plan an athleisure assortment for a pop-up shop. Fashion Promotion時尚行銷- Advertising, Styling, and Social Media - Experience the art of fashion styling as it is used in media for promotional purposes by planning a print accessories advertisement campaign and social media strategy. Participate in a live fashion shoot and edit your final ads for circulation. Advanced Fashion Design Elite / Accelerated Level 進階時尚設計課程(進階課)*- Learn about the planning that turns creative ideas into actual garments from inspiration to target customer. Find out how fabric and trim are sourced, how sketches turn into saleable products, and how multiple sizes are planned and executed. Sketch a new line, discuss samples to market, PR, marketing, and branding. A guided tour of local resources, fabric suppliers, and trim resources used by top designers is included. Global Fashion Business Marketing Elite / Accelerated Level 全球時尚行銷菁英課程(進階課)*- Young executives looking for work or working in international fashion-related companies work as part of a team to launch an original product in the right market of your choice. Learn major concepts of international marketing through lecture, library research, reading assignments and application. The final project utilizes data, analysis, and innovative thinking. Topics include marketing channels, importance of emerging markets, political and legal environments, and luxury products. On-site visits to retailers and trend forecasting services are included. Each team presents their product concept and support research and data through a "resume" worthy PowerPoint presentation. *要申請進階班的同學必須製作一份履歷表以及一頁的寫作說明自己在時尚產業的工作經驗紐約FIT 語言課程+流行時尚暑期遊學特別行程
July 6: Opening Dinner from 5-7pm & Special Guest Speaker July 10 & July 17: Museum Visit & Field Trips July 23: Presentations and Certificates Field trips and special events are mandatory, Certificate of Completion is dependent on proper attendance.
Jason 服務超級棒,很用心而且很詳細,詢問很多問題都回答得很詳細,也很關心我們在美國Fashion Ins […]