★ 獲得加拿大證書並獲得在加拿大的工作經驗。
★ 享受靈活的工作時間和下午的課程。
★ 有薪實習期間保證就業
商業溝通與服務證書課程(Communication & Service Essentials Diploma with Co-op)提高你的溝通技巧,同時學習基本的加拿大工作場所的客戶服務技能。課程包括專業演講技巧、銷售、酒店、餐飲和活動策劃。
課程長度:60週 (30週課程 + 30週帶薪實習)
上課時間:週一-週五 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM
開課日期:Jan 6, Feb 18, Mar 30, May 19, Jun 29, Aug 17, Sep 28, Nov 9
課程費用:14000加幣 (透過學無界遊學留學申請有機會以9510加幣就讀)
1. 高中以上畢業
2. 雅思4.0 或 ILAC語言學校 High-Intermediate Level 8
3. 成功通過與ILAC International College成員的面試
4. 報名多倫多校區的學生,學歷與成績單須通過WES驗證
Language Fundamentals for Business LFB01 (6 weeks) This course is intended for those who want to learn English and build the communication skills required for the modern world of business. Topics include the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills needed in a business context. This course explains words and expressions required in business, and focuses on written and spoken grammar, providing authentic language practice to build your confidence to communicate effectively. English Skills Developement ESD01 (6 weeks) This course is designed to develop your core business skills through a task-based, integrated skills approach focusing on reading, listening, and discussion. Case studies will be used to help you learn general business practices and engage you in discussions about business problems where you will recommend solutions through active group work and collaboration. Business Communication Skills BCO01 (6 weeks) In this course, you will use a variety of communication skills that we need every day to help us be successful in the workplace. The course is designed to strengthen your knowledge of concepts and skills related business, and encourages critical thinking about spoken and written communication. Lessons will offer you a task-based, integrated skills approach to develop core business skills such as writing daily workplace correspondence, taking part in meetings and interviews, and engaging in small talk. Professional Presentation Skills PPS01 (6 weeks) Aimed at those wishing to be confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English in a work environment, this course looks at what makes a successful, motivating presentation. You will gain insight into the essential skills and techniques needed to ensure your presentations are both motivating and memorable. You will learn the process of presenting from the opening to the closing, using your voice and body language effectively, and how to use various techniques to create a lasting impact. Canadian Workplace Essentials CWE01 (6 weeks) This course establishes a foundation for the development and practice of the values, attitudes, and skills necessary for entry-level employees, new Canadians, and immigrants to transition into Canadian workplace culture. Students will create resumes, learn interviewing skills, and practice skills essential for effective business communication. Through the exploration of their aptitudes, students will learn how transferable skills lead to success in their chosen profession. Food and Beverage Service FBS01 (6 weeks) This course is designed to prepare students for an entry-level position in one of the most in-demand industries – food and beverage. Topics include the roles and responsibilities of a food and beverage worker including the purpose of safety in the workplace. Front Desk Service FDS01 (6 weeks) This course prepares students for an entry-level front desk position by providing an overview of the roles and responsibilities of front line representatives in various industries. Topics will include key administrative tasks for hotel front desk, office reception, service providers and beyond. Customer Service Skills CSS01 (6 weeks) This course explores the core competencies and best practices that enhance excellent customer service solutions. Students will exceed customer expectations through the understanding of moments of truth, the anticipation of customer needs, and the use of the service recovery process securing a competitive advantage. Event Planning EEP01 (6 weeks) Through the planning and execution of a small-scale event, students will examine the process of conceptualizing, planning, developing, marketing, and staging events of various types. Students explore practical subjects such as financial planning, project administrative and management tasks, negotiation, and other roles and responsibilities of Conference and Event Coordinators. Sales Fundamentals SSF01 (6 weeks) This course focuses on the transferable skills applicable for wide range of sales environments and the principles of providing exceptional service. Students will study proven techniques for the phases of the sales cycle including product-selling strategies and solutions, partnership building, and buyer behavior.