2020企業管理打工遊學課程(40週有薪實習) @ILACIC


★ 獲得加拿大證書並獲得在加拿大的工作經驗。
★ 享受靈活的工作時間和晚上的課程。
★ 有薪實習期間保證就業

企業管理證書課程(Business Administration Diploma With Co-op)為企業管理職業所需的知識和技能打下堅實的基礎,包括了解組織如何工作以及如何評估和解決業務問題。本課程涵蓋商業的所有領域,從人際溝通到商業分析。

課程長度:92週 (12週準備週+40週專業課程+40週有薪實習)

上課時間:週一-週四 5:45 PM - 9:45 PM

開課日期:Jan 6, Mar 30, Jun 15, Sep 8, Nov 23


費用試算 還可以email報價單給自己喔!

課程費用:15000加幣 (透過學無界遊學留學申請有機會以11200加幣就讀)

(200.00 加幣)






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* 此為必填欄位


1. 高中以上畢業
2. 雅思5.0 或 ILAC語言學校 Advanced Level 12
3. 成功通過與ILAC International College成員的面試
4. 報名多倫多校區的學生,學歷與成績單須通過WES驗證


2020企業管理打工遊學課程(40週有薪實習) @ILACIC課程內容

Professional Communication PCO01 (9 weeks) The ongoing success of an organization depends on having an environment that encourages effective communication through the gathering and sharing of information. In this course, you will use a variety of skills that we need every day to help us be successful in the workplace. The course is designed to strengthen your knowledge of concepts and skills related to writing effective daily correspondence, preparing formal reports and proposals, and giving effective presentations while using correct language for a business context. Working Across Cultures WAC01 (9 weeks) This course is designed to provide you with a practical approach to raising awareness, gaining knowledge, and increasing your ability to communicate and behave effectively across cultures. It will help you understand and analyze business situations where culture may be playing a part, and prepare you to overcome challenges that may arise in a multicultural workplace. This course aims to help you understand the impact of your communication skills on relationships, and academic and career success. You will develop skills and techniques for recognizing cultural differences and turning them into opportunity. Organizational Behaviour OOB01 (9 weeks) Current perspectives on what makes an organization successful, regardless of industry, point toward the benefits gained by putting people first. This course will expose you to approaches and processes that can help in effectively leading and managing others in organizations. You will have the opportunity to appreciate what it takes to make a difference in your workplace, and gain an understanding of the interactions that occur among people in the workplace. You will examine the behaviour of individuals and how they interact with each other in different workplace organizations. Topics include individual and behavioural processes, interpersonal processes and behaviours, team processes, and organizational dynamics and processes. Project Management PPM01 (9 weeks) Project management skills are increasingly sought after in today’s workplace. No matter what industry or career you pursue, the ability to coordinate timelines, manage resources, and lead projects to successful completion is extremely valuable. This course provides you with practical experience applying the fundamentals of project management from a marketing frame of reference. At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to create a project life cycle, statement of work, work breakdown structure, schedule, budget, and risk management plan. You will work in groups to develop a plan for a real marketing project. Business Math BBM01 (9 weeks) This course provides foundational math concepts to students looking to succeed in business environments. It is designed to help you determine best courses of action when considering management, finance and investment options. In the early part of the course, you will cover basic topics including arithmetic, algebra, and linear systems, applying them to real world situations. You will then explore a variety of mathematical management topics such as cost-volume-profit analysis, discounts, markup and markdown, and simple interest. Finally, you will make financial and investment decisions with considerations for compound interest, annuities, mortgages, and bond valuations. To demonstrate competency in all of these areas, you will formulate equations for word problems describing common workplace situations. Introduction to Accounting IIA01 (9 weeks) This course is for students with little or no background in accounting and finance. It is designed to help you build your knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles and the accounting cycle. You will be introduced to the purpose of accounting and the financial statement preparation process and how financial management and accounting information can be used to support financial analysis, valuation, and decision-making in various contexts. Introduction to Business Management IBM01 (9 weeks) This course provides a broad overview of the management process, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling, and looks at management roles in teams, projects, departments, and the organization as a whole. You will examine management skills within the context of a Canadian business environment. This course creates opportunities for you to develop your critical thinking, problem-solving, team work, and communication skills by analyzing and presenting solutions to typical business problems. Human Resources Management HRM01 (9 weeks) The purpose of this course is to provide you with an understanding of the human resources function, and the role that managers play to ensure organizational effectiveness. This course will examine how human resource systems enable improvement in processes and enhance strategic decision making. You will also critically examine how effective human resources management (HRM) assists in achieving organizational goals. Digital Marketing DDM01 (4 weeks) The Internet is a dynamic marketplace. This class will give you the understanding of the Internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also equipping you with the skills you will need to perform vital daily functions. By the end of this course, you will have a richer understanding of the foundations of the new digital marketing landscape and acquire a new set of stories, concepts, and tools to help you digitally create, distribute, promote and price products and services. Topics covered in this course include internet marketing foundations, how search engines work, SEO, paid search marketing, online advertising, landing page optimization, analytics, online PR and ORM, and mobile marketing. Analytics for Business Decisions ABD01 (4 weeks) The field of Business Analytics is growing in every industry. This course provides an introduction to modern theory, tools, and techniques used when making business decisions. You will develop the skills needed to be successful in a business analytics role using methodologies to develop a strategic advantage. You will be able to analyze, present findings, and make meaningful conclusions about data in a business setting and offer valuable insights by recognizing, interpreting, and summarizing your company’s data.
