2020進階數位行銷打工遊學課程(48週有薪實習) @RED Acedemy


★ 有薪實習畢業後,95%畢業後就業率
★ 互動式學習,以實際客戶需求作為案例學習

進階數位行銷證書課程(Full-Stack Marketer Work-Study)旨在給你一個獨特的競爭優勢,在就業市場和定位自己作為一個有價值和高技能的團隊成員。擁有行銷和視覺設計的技能,你將能夠制定行銷策略,以及設計所需的宣傳文件並發送到市場。

2020進階數位行銷打工遊學課程(48週有薪實習) @RED Acedemy的目的是讓您控制所有階段的數位行銷: 創造精美的製作行銷活動,參與使用者界面設計,並領導難忘的品牌體驗。




上課時間:6pm-9pm(週一-週五), 10am-5pm(週六)

開課日期:04/04, 10/03


費用試算 還可以email報價單給自己喔!


(200.00 加幣)






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* 此為必填欄位


1. 滿19歲或是高中畢業
2. 托福iBT 90 or 雅思學術 6.5 or Duolingo 115 or 通過合作語言學校的訓練
3. 通過RED Academy團隊成員的Skype面試


2020進階數位行銷打工遊學課程(48週有薪實習) @RED Acedemy課程內容

DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Develop an end-to-end digital marketing strategy considering the buyer’s journey and company goals to reach overall business objectives. TYPOGRAPHY, COLOUR & COMPOSITION Create coherent and balanced designs by making good use of colour, typography and other visual elements. GOOGLE ANALYTICS & TAG MANAGER Learn how to implement Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to apply fundamental concepts like performance measurement, comparison and optimization. CREATIVE DESIGN SOFTWARE Learn Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, Principle, and get an introduction to InDesign. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) Understand on-page, off-page and technical SEO practices and how to best implement these strategies across different types of websites. USER INTERFACE DESIGN & PROTOTYPING Create clickable prototypes of marketable and intuitive websites and apps that effortlessly let the user to accomplish their goals. BRAND STRATEGY Design and develop the aspects of what makes a great brand: personality, values, definition, promise, visual identity and brand storytelling. HUMAN-CENTRIC DESIGN Convey effective interviews and surveys to identify real human needs, and leverage those insights to guide you through the design and testing processes. CONTENT CREATION & STRATEGY Plan, develop, and manage a content strategy for a client, and learn how to track a develop your strategy over time. GOOGLE ADS Build ad strategies that attract and generate customers through account optimization, bidding strategies and compelling ad copy. WEB & APP DESIGN Design responsive websites and apps considering their specific technologies and platforms. EMAIL MARKETING Build an email marketing strategy and learn how to increase open rates and engagement to run effective email marketing campaigns for clients. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT & ADVERTISING Understand how to manage multiple social media platforms to achieve specific business objectives, and the fundamentals of advertising on major social platforms. MOBILE MARKETING Learn how to attract users to download and engage with a mobile app. Create an app trailer to serve as multi-purpose content to be used across various channels.
