Jason 服務非常好~在國外有問題也可以馬上解決(房間沒有暖氣 學校又不處理的時候)厲害~而且非常細心 每個小細節都注意到~給Jason辦的非常安心~
★ 有薪實習畢業後,95%畢業後就業率
★ 互動式學習,以實際客戶需求作為案例學習
網頁程式開發證書課程(Web Developer Professional Work-Study)Web Developer Professional的有薪實習計劃是為初學者設計的全面的24週學習課程,其後是24週的工作經驗。該計劃使學生能夠發展必要的技能,從而在從事初級前端Web開發人員的職業生涯中取得成功。
上課時間:6pm-9pm(週一-週五), 10am-5pm(週六)
開課日期:04/04, 10/03
1. 滿19歲或是高中畢業
2. 托福iBT 90 or 雅思學術 6.5 or Duolingo 115 or 通過合作語言學校的訓練
3. 通過RED Academy團隊成員的Skype面試
Jason 服務非常好~在國外有問題也可以馬上解決(房間沒有暖氣 學校又不處理的時候)厲害~而且非常細心 每個小細節都注意到~給Jason辦的非常安心~
Jason 服務超級棒,很用心而且很詳細,詢問很多問題都回答得很詳細,也很關心我們在美國Fashion Institute of Technology暑期課程的狀況
幫我處理的顧問是 Jason ,很細心也很注重細節,而且不怕我問問題。喜歡把所有事情處理妥妥當當的學生可以請Jason 幫忙,他會使命必達:)
HTML5 Master the web’s markup language and craft well-structured, semantic HTML. CSS3 Develop mobile-first responsive web experiences for users, and add interactivity with CSS3. JAVASCRIPT Build your JavaScript foundation by learning the programming language of front-end development. JQUERY Bring your websites to life with jQuery and use it to interact with popular web APIs using Ajax. GULP Learn how to use JavaScript task runners to help enhance and automate your deployment workflow. SASS Learn how to use CSS preprocessors and incorporate Sass best practices into your development workflow. PHP Dive into PHP and learn the basics of this popular server-side language, including a gentle introduction to object-oriented programming. WORDPRESS Build WordPress themes and plugins, and learn other WordPress essentials such as custom post types, fields, and taxonomies, as well as its new REST API. GIT AND GITHUB Master version control using Git and open-source your code on GitHub.Git and GitHub