- 了解並應用七個關鍵要素,以提供出色的客戶服務。
- 了解技術世界;硬件; 軟件; 互聯網和網絡研究。
- 了解鍵盤後,可重點關注主行以提高打字速度和準確性。
- 創建,編輯,格式化和保存文檔。應用格式,例如選項卡,樣式和模板。使用移動/複製,查找和替換等功能。將表格和圖形插入文檔中。
- 創建,編輯和保存電子表格。創建公式並將函數用於高級計算。建立圖表並插入圖形以改善外觀。使用較大的電子表格,包括3-D參考,表格和命名範圍。應用和使用審核工具,假設分析以及合併和鏈接工作簿。
- 創建和編輯演示文稿。應用模板,格式和過渡以使演示文稿更具吸引力。創建包含文本,表格,圖形和組織結構圖的幻燈片。使用特殊效果和互聯網發布。
- 在閱讀,聽力,口語和寫作方面掌握語法和力學方面的堅實基礎。了解文化多樣性,倫理,非語言交流和技術如何影響當今的商務交流。
- 在使用當今技術創建各種業務文檔方面打下堅實的基礎。專注於創建有影響力的文檔,以說服客戶,進行有力的介紹並建立良好的簡歷和就業檔案。
- 通過創建日記賬分錄,過賬和平衡分錄以記錄餘額,創建調整後的分錄餘額和報告財務報表來報告整個交易週期。
In this course, students will focus on computing and discover the different types of computers including mobile devices used in today’s organizations. Students will also learn the fundamental components that allow them to process and store information, receive input and create output. Students will also learn about a variety of software for productivity, education and entertainment as well as ways to manage and organize file storage such as documents, pictures and music. Finally, students will understand how to navigate the internet and use search engines in business research.
In this course, students will become proficient in creating, editing, formatting, saving, presenting and printing business presentations. In addition, students will be able to create notes for each slide and print speakers’ notes to assist in delivering the presentation. Students will also be able to insert charts, graphics and tables to enhance presentation appearance. Finally, students will be able to apply templates and transition to enhance presentation delivery.
In this course, students will be become proficient in editing, formatting, saving and printing spreadsheets. In addition, students will be able to create formulas using keyboard, built-in functions and apply nesting functions. Students will also create charts to graph data and insert graphics to enhance spreadsheet appearance. Advanced formulas such as 3-D references will be learnt as well as naming ranges and working with tables. Students will be able to validate data using auditing tools, what-if analysis. Finally, students will be able to work with large or multiple workbooks to consolidate or link data.
In this course, students will become proficient in creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents created using word-processing software. In addition, students will be skilled at features such as find and replace, styles and templates. Students will also use advanced formatting and paragraph formatting including inserting and creating tables, graphics.
In this course, students will explore the Seven Keys to delivering Great Customer Service for the purpose of understanding and applying great customer service.
Key 1- The Right Attitude
Key 2- Understand the Customers’ Needs
Key 3- Communicate Clearly
Key 4- Reach Agreement
Key 5- Check Understanding
Key 6- Take Action
Key 7- Build-On Satisfaction
In this course, students will focus on developing typing skills and be able to demonstrate an understanding of the home row. The students will focus on lab and computer-based training modules to develop their basic typing speeds and accuracy.
This course will provide students with a solid foundation in grammar and mechanics in reading, writing, listening and speaking. The course will focus on cultural diversity, ethics, non-verbal communication and technology in how they impact today’s business communications.
This course will provide students with an opportunity to create a variety of business communications including business correspondences, Human Resource letters, resumes and business presentations aimed at increasing sales.
In this course, students will become familiar with the process of capturing, recording, preparing and reading financial statements. Students will complete a full cycle including the recording of transactions, posting, trial balance, adjusting entries and finally the reporting of financial statements. Students will understand professional organizations that play an important role in preparing and communicating financial information. Students will also understand the importance of financial accounting information for external partners, investors and creditors in terms of objectives and business characteristics. The course will end with a comprehensive project that requires the student to demonstrate their understanding in completing a full set of books and crating financial statements and communicating them accordingly.
Students will be able to complete their practicum in one of our signed agreement partners located near the College. Students must have no outstanding accounts with the school and have a good academic standing. Students have to fully complete all subjects and relevant hours achieving a passing grade of 60% prior to attending the practicum. Describe the key elements learnt through the in-class portion of the course while observing an Office Administrator complete tasks. Students will also have the opportunity to be trained by an experienced Administrator and have the opportunity to apply and perfect the components of the course. Identify the connections between theories. techniques and how they are applied. Apply different elements learnt through the in-class portion the course. The 480-hour practicum is divided into two blocks of practicum, and is treated as a progression from novice to fledgling administrator. The two blocks are at different levels to provide a variety of experiences. Assessments are made over the 480-hours of practicum. The ongoing assessment of student's practicum is the joint responsibility of the trainee and the practicum supervisor. A pass or In Progress grade on the placement is decided by the program supervisor.