幫我處理的顧問是 Jason ,很細心也很注重細節,而且不怕我問問題。喜歡把所有事情處理妥妥當當的學生可以請Jason 幫忙,他會使命必達:)
顧客服務證書課程(Diploma in Customer Service Co-op)將學習如何在工作場合上成功的建立客戶關係,並且提供一個正確的途徑順利進入各行業工作,例如: 餐廳、飯店、俱樂部、酒吧、咖啡廳或零售商店等。在完成此證書課程後,學生將有能力專攻在各種不同的工作領域,例如:住宿服務、餐飲業或零售業等,並且提供所學的專業技能來支援業主所需。課堂上學習有效的溝通技巧、如何管理衝突和處理客戶投訴、如何發揮團隊合作的精神,以及學習如何有效率的建構個人的產品及服務知識,並提供相關且正確資訊給顧客。
課程長度:日間選項:24週學術課程+24週有薪工作實+2 週學術課程(繳交實習報告) | 晚間選項:48週學術課程+40週有薪工作實+4 週學術課程(繳交實習報告)
上課時間:日間選項:9am - 4pm | 晚間選項:5:15pm - 9pm
開課日期:日間選項:Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 23, Apr 20, May 19, Jun 15, Jul 13, Aug 10, Sep 8, Oct 5, Nov 2, Nov 30 | 晚間選項:Jan 13, Mar 9, May 4, Jun 29, Aug 24, Oct 19
課程費用:日間選項:$10,575+教材費$600 加幣
晚間選項:$13,825+教材費$600 加幣
1. 高中以上畢業
2. 托福iBT35 或 雅思IELTS 4.0 或 ILSC語言學校 B4 以上程度
幫我處理的顧問是 Jason ,很細心也很注重細節,而且不怕我問問題。喜歡把所有事情處理妥妥當當的學生可以請Jason 幫忙,他會使命必達:)
Jason 服務非常好~在國外有問題也可以馬上解決(房間沒有暖氣 學校又不處理的時候)厲害~而且非常細心 每個小細節都注意到~給Jason辦的非常安心~
工作實習經驗 此課程結合有薪工作實習機會,學生可把課堂所學的理論實踐於工作實習時.工作前準備課程將會協助學生了解目前有薪工作職場狀況,工作實習部門工作人員將給予協助,確保學生了解北美工作職場概況及做好面試準備. 工作實習職位 餐飲從業、銷售、顧客服務、櫃檯、宴會服務櫃檯、餐廳服務生、宴會服務 生 、或更多. Basic IT Skills—Create and Use Spreadsheets In this course, students will learn how to correctly create and use spreadsheets and charts using industry-standard spreadsheet software. Basic IT Skills—Produce Word Processed Documents In this course, students will learn how to correctly operate word processing applications to produce workplace documents. Customer Interaction In this course, students will gain the knowledge required to deliver a fundamental customer service to both internal and external customers. Good customer service requires the ability to greet and serve customers and to respond effectively to customer service enquiries including routine customer problems. Hospitality, Tourism & Travel Industry Information In this course, students will gain the knowledge required to source and use current and emerging information on the hospitality, tourism and travel industry. Students will develop researcher skills in order to stay current on industry structure and technology issues. Personnel integrate this essential knowledge on a daily basis to work effectively in the industry. Job Search Preparation (Academic Student only) In this course, students will prepare to take their new skills and knowledge into the job market. Students will focus on defining their future goals and career aspirations, and will learn how to write effective resumés and cover letters, interview basics, and what employers are looking for. Students will complete the course feeling prepared to find work in their new field. Providing Information and Assistance In this course, students will gain the knowledge required to provide customers with information and assistance on facilities, products and services. They will learn how to identify customer needs and how to build their knowledge base in order to provide relevant and helpful information. Working Effectively with Others In this course, students will develop teamwork skills for the workplace. The course covers topics like working in a group environment, promoting team commitment and cooperation, supporting team members and dealing effectively with issues, problems and conflict. Workplace Communication In this workplace-centered course, students will develop communication skills for the workplace. Key skills include gathering, conveying, and receiving information together with completing routine written correspondence. ~ Co-op Work Experience (Coop Student only) During the co-op work placement, students will put their skills into practise in a local workplace in a position related to their specific program objectives. Students will be required to complete job tasks as assigned to them by the employer. In addition, students are required to provide regular feedback (monthly) on their placement experience to Greystone College using prescribed reporting forms. ~ The Next Step (Co-op Student only) This course follows up with students after their work placement. It provides the student with a new perspective of their goals and achievements and prepares them to take the next step when they leave the program. ~ Work Placement Skills (Co-op Student only) The course is divided into 2 sections, Work Placements Skills (WPS) 1 and 2. WPS 1 acts as an introduction to all the things you need to know about living and working in Canada and helps students through the process of applying for a tax file number (SIN). It also prepares students for the workplace by helping them to apply for jobs and ensuring their résumés and cover letters are to industry standards. WPS 2 prepares students for their Co-Op Work Experience and develops their networking skills.