








Philinter Life

My name is Byron, I come from Taiwan. Four months ago, I quit my job and came to the Philippines to study English. My goal was to improve my speaking and writing skills and apply them to daily life and in certain occasions like in business or at work. For these reasons, I started hunting for many English Language academies and compared them thoroughly. Finally, I narrowed down my choices and decided to enroll in Philinter. I made the school my second family in the Philippines.

During the past four months, I truly believe that I have done my very best and I really enjoyed learning English in Philinter. My teachers always encouraged me to do something I haven’t done before like becoming a student leader of section C and encouraging my teammates to win the section war. I also did some research and gave a presentation for what I learned in English. I acquired a lot of knowledge and experiences from the teachers and my classmates. I became more confident in communicating and faced the challenges that I might encounter in the near future.

I would like to thank all my teachers for imparting their knowledge on me. I feel grateful that I had chances to learn from such enthusiastic mentors who always motivated and inspired me, not only with my English skills but also with life skills for me to become a better person. Thanks Philinter for providing me a full English learning environment.

People come and go but memories stay. Staying in Philinter was a great decision I made in my life. Thanks to everyone for an incredible four months!

Thank you!

From Byron (Han, Ping-Tsung)

Jason (資深遊學留學策略規劃師)

Jason從2007年開始從事教育顧問的工作, 我沒有顯赫的家世, 沒有國外名校碩士的光環, 我的成績平凡. 所以對於正在掙扎的你, 我更能感同身受. 我沒有辦法把不是學霸的你包裝成學霸, 因為那個不是你. 但是, 我擅於發掘你在生活中的閃光點, 那個你一提起就會閃閃發光的特點, 那個你說出來就會讓審核委員眼睛為之一亮的特點. 就算最終沒有受到審核委員的青睞, 但是我相信, 出國留學的申請就是一次對自己最好的探索, 對自己最深刻的發掘, 發掘自己的優點, 發掘自己的過人之處, 發現自己的不足然後讓自己努力變得更好. 現在我邀請你跟我一起來發掘美好的自己, 發掘那個閃閃發光的自己.